CONFAPEA (Confederación de
Federaciones y Asociaciones de Participantes en Educación y
Cultura Democrática de Personas Adultas)
Confapea is
a Confederation formed by educational and cultural federations
and associations in which participants decide by consensus all
parts of the different projects. These participants are people
without any accreditation of the university and they are not
paid for their involvement. Confederation is born because of the illusion of working
together and joining in order to promote more educational and
participation chances for all people, but especially for people
who have been more excluded from the decision, representation
and management spaces. Because of this, we believe that Adult
People Education and cultural projects must be defined and
organized through the participant voices.
By other
hand, CONFAPEA is being also supported by the Reda and Grupo 90,
which are formed by university teachers and investigators of
different Universities. Federated
- Asociación Cultural Paulo Freire, Vitoria
- Asociación de Alumnos y exalumnos de la escuela
de artes y oficios, Vigo
- Asociación de Mujeres Lorquianas, Fuentevaqueros
- Federació d'Associacions Culturals i Educatives
de Persones Adultes (FACEPA), Catalunya
- Asociación Compartiendo Culturas, Vitoria
- Asociación Familiar Rondilla, Valladolid
- ADEPA, Madrid
- Asociación Galdarra, Bilbao
e-mail address:
telephone number: 93 315 29 69 // 93 310
77 15
address: Avda. Francesc Cambó, nº14 P.8F
08003 Barcelona
Fax: 93 310 05 47
Unione Nazionale per la Lotta contro
UNLA (Unione Nazionale lotta
analfabetismo). Rome, Italy
Aims and structure
Unione Nazionale per la Lotta contro l'Analfabetismo
(UNLA) is a national, independent and non-profit organisation
for combating illiteracy, which was founded in Rome in 1947. UNLA
is an officially recognised organisation for adult education,
promoting activities also in partnership with national
authorities. It is also affiliated with UNESCO as an organisation
for Associated Projects.
more than fifty years, UNLA has promoted basic education for all
with the ambitious aim of reducing illiteracy in Italy. Since
literacy and basic education have been achieved in Italy, UNLA has
focused on the problem of semi-illiteracy and made efforts to
guarantee a minimum level of knowledge, which is necessary to
support "citizenship". In carrying out this tasks, the
organisation has made efforts in raising awareness of the European
dimension of citizenship. The organisation has also focused on
lifelong learning and integration of ICTs in adult education.
is organised on three levels:
• The headquarters in Rome, where the
elected Management Committee is located. The Management Committee
consists of 19 members, including representatives of local
Education Centres and is responsible for the launching and
co-ordination of UNLA's initiatives.
• The University of Castel Sant'Angelo for Adult
Permanent Education (U.C.S.A.) was established in Rome in
1983. UCSA contributes to continuing education of citizens.
Courses covers a wide range of subjects, from Italian to Sciences.
They are of high scientific standard and well-known for their
innovative approach, being open to all voices of culture, without
ideological conditioning, freely comparing and discussing
students' opinions, indications and requests.
• 37 Education Centres ( Centri di
Cultura/Educazione Permanente ), which promote adult
education at local level and encouraged the integration of
disadvantaged people. The Centres are multidisciplinary and
permanent units. More recently, the Education Centres have focused
on continuing education and permanent learning for "literate"
adults exposed to the new form of illiteracy, especially
technological illiteracy.
Contact information:
President: Professor Saverio Avveduto
via Arco del Monte 99, Rome
Phone: 00 39 0 6 68 80 43 01
publication: Bolletino
Luglio 2004-Articoli
Centrum för Flexibelt Lärande
CFL (Centrum för Flexibelt Lärande),
Söderhamns, Sweden
An educational
arena for adults and much more!
Centre for Flexible Learning, organizes Söderhamn's adult
education programme, from basic, via 16+ to university level.
CFL´s focus is to be a flexible arena for lifelong learning. The
learning programmes on offer are learner centered and adapted to
the demands of the labour market.
The city of
Söderhamn views the work of CFL as an investment for the future.
The city of Söderhamn has a history of dependency upon big
industries. As times changed and industrial activity de crea sed,
Söderhamn's unemployment grew. This led to a reassessment of the
skills and the recruitment policy. CFL´s task is to change the
skills profile of the Söderhamn work force, reducing the need for
people to leave Söderhamn to get an education
This aim is
enhanced by using new technology. For instance, CFL has an
IT-Management university course in which students in Söderhamn,
Stockholm and Santiago , Chile , take part through video
conferencing. CFL´s active part in several educational networks in
the region as well nationally and internationally, is also one of
the answers to how a small town like Söderhamn can offer a broad
but high quality education.
But CFL is
much more than an educational organization. CFL is in charge of
several EU-projects such as ”Guidance on In crea sing SME
Mergers.” (see the list below). CFL is part of a R&D
department engaged in research on developing processes, e.g. in
the area of flexible learning. The National Institute for Working
Life has a major role in the R&D department.
CFL is
situated in the Söderhamn Technology Park , where you will find
new IT and knowledge based companies and the Department to help
start-up and existing industries. The fundamental idea is to crea
te cross-fertilization between people, private companies, public
organizations and learning. This should stimulate growth.
Söderhamn Technology Park is a member of Swedepark, an association
of Swedish science and technology parks.