Why Not Us Too?

A motivational film intended to stimulate the participation of the population in a Sicilian village to take part in literacy courses organized at a 'scuola populare'. (This film is an historical document which is not available for distribution).

(literacy; community education; adult education; rural education; human development; basic education)

[Code: 0171] Country:  Italy
Producer:  UNESCO/OPI
1953, English, 35', 16mm film, b/w

Non Basta Soltanto l'Alfabeto / Cristo non si e Fermato a Eboli

Two films depicting the efforts of the "Unione Nazionale per la Lotta contro l'Analfabetismo" (UNLA) in rural Southern Italy to combat the low literacy rates of the adult population. (This historical film is not available for distribution).

(adult literacy; rural areas; community education; literacy)

[Code: 0172] Country:  Italy
Producer:  Unione Nazionale per la lotta contro l'analfabetismo (UNLA)
1959, Italian, 20', 15', VHS/SECAM

Alphabétisation des femmes au Togo

Reportage sur l'alphabétisation des femmes et des filles au Togo dans le cadre des "Actualités de l'UNESCO". Ce reportage montre les efforts des enseignants au Togo pour promouvoir l'alphabétisation des femmes et des filles et le rôle que peuvent jouer les femmes alphabétisées dans le développement socio-économique d'un pays.

(literacy; women, women education; women rights; adult education; rural education; girls education)

[Code: 0144] Country:  Togo
Producer:  UNESCO/OPI
1987, French, 17', VHS/SECAM

Education in the Sahel

The status of education in the Sahel since 1960. Statistics on schooling, adult education and female literacy. Estimations of the size of the problem in the year 2000.

(literacy; schooling; adult education; women; statistics; international cooperation)

[Code: 0069] Country:  Sahel
Producer:  The World Bank
1988, English, 5', VHS/PAL

APPEAL Training Materials for Literacy Personnel

12 training documents developed by the Asia Pacific Programme of Education for all (APPEAL) Training Materials For Literacy Personnel (ATLP) are presented.

(adult literacy; literacy programmes; teaching materials; literacy workers)

[Code: 0122] Region:  Asia
1989, English, 13', VHS/PAL

International Literacy Year

Examples of literacy programmes for adults and children in Asia, Africa, Latin America, and developed countries are shown within the context of International Literacy Year. One goal from Pakistan to Kentucky - "Education for all".

(literacy programmes; preschool education; adult education)

[Code: 0015] Country:  Interregional
Producer:  UNESCO/OPI
1990, English, 15', VHS/PAL

The Launch of International Literacy Year

At UN. Headquarters in New York, the Director-General of UNESCO, Federico Mayor, launches International Literacy Year. He outlines priorities, such as literacy for women and girls, and identifies the major problems to be solved by a coalition of partners in EFA: International organizations, governments and private enterprise.

(literacy; women; international organizations; international cooperation)

[Code: 0016] Country:  Interregional
Producer:  UNESCO/OPI
1990, English, 9', VHS/PAL

Ruralisation de l'enseignement au Mali

Reportage sur l'enseignement rural au Mali. (Vidéo magazine no. 21-UNESCO/OPI)

(rural education; rural areas)

[Code: 0142] Country:  Mali
Producer:  UNESCO/OPI
1990, French, 24', VHS/PAL

Education Matters

In 1990, International Literacy Year, the world focused its attention on the one in four of its inhabitants whose lack of basic reading and writing skills prevents them from leading the lives they would want. This film carries the message that a world of peace can only be attained when people have decided to turn rifles into books.

L'éducation c'est important

1990 - Année internationale de l'alphabétisation, celle au cours de laquelle le monde entier avait les yeux fixés sur le quart de sa population qui ne sait ni lire ni écrire et de ce fait ne vit pas comme il le voudrait. Ce film souligne que la paix dans le monde dépendra de l'engagement que prendront les peuples de changer les fusils en livres.

(literacy; women education; girls education; literacy campaign; illiteracy)

[Code: 0013] Country:  Interregional
Producer:  UNESCO/OPI
1990, English, French, 14' VHS/SECAM

Literacy Towards Empowerment

UNESCO designated 1990 "International Literacy Year" and helped sponsor the World Conference on Education for All, the main message of which was clear: learning basic literacy skills empowers individuals, families and whole communities. Through education, linked to practical development goals, UNESCO aims to enable the millions of illiterate adults predicted for the year 2000, to acquire the literacy skills needed to control their own destiny.

(literacy; basic education)

[Code: 0039] Country:  Interregional
Producer:  UNESCO/OPI
1990, English, 10', VHS/PAL

How to Develop Literacy Materials for Women

A method of developing literacy materials for neo-literates, especially women, designed by the Asian Cultural Centre for UNESCO through a regional workshop held in Pattaya, Thailand in 1990.

(literacy programmes; teaching materials; women education)

[Code: 0066] Country:  Japan
Producer: ACCU; Ministry of Education;
NHK Educational (Japan)
1990, English, 26'30, VHS/SECAM

Konesans Fammi se Lespwa Timoun

Many Haitian children live in rural areas, but nearly 60 percent live in shanty towns. Safe drinking water is available for only 50 percent of those living in towns and for 30 percent of those living in the countryside. Children die of malaria, tetanus, diarrhoea, tuberculosis and above all malnutrition. The "Knowledge, Family Programme" associates health with education, thereby enlisting the help of parents in this development programme. The "Alpha mission project" in Creole, the principal language of the country, combats illiteracy.
De nombreux enfants haïtiens vivent dans les zones rurales mais presque 60% vivent dans des bidonvilles. L'eau potable est rare et les enfants meurent de diverses maladies et par-dessus tout de malnutrition. Le programme familial de développement associe la santé à l'éducation avec le concours des parents. La "Mission Alpha" qui travaille en étroite collaboration avec Konesans Fammi, dispense des programmes en créole, langue officielle du pays, qui visent à combattre l'analphabétisme.

(literacy programmes; health education; literacy campaigns)

[Code: 0055] Country:  Haiti
Producer:  UNICEF (Haiti)
1990, English, French, 15', VHS/PAL

Open to a Brighter Future

The CODE (Canadian Organization for Development through Education) programme in Guyana. Founded in 1959 to support literacy and education projects in developing countries to foster self-sufficiency through literacy worldwide, CODE provides paper and printing presses to produce exercise books, as well as donating books for primary and secondary students. It works closely with its national counterpart the Guyana Book Foundation to ensure nationwide delivery of books.

(literacy; developing countries; primary education; secondary education; international cooperation)

[Code: 0210] Country:  Guyana
Producer:  CODE
1990, English, 20', VHS/PAL

Component Reading Subskills Program

A computer programme designed to help students overcome reading disabilities. It has also been used by students learning English as a second language and in adult education. The video demonstrates the use of the programme both by teachers and students. Students are individually assessed and lessons are focused on the areas where a student has most problems; progress is monitored.

(literacy; adult education; reading disabilities; language instruction; computer assisted instruction)

[Code: 0078] Country:  Canada
Producer:  Autoskill Inc., Ontario
1990, English, 28', VHS/PAL


98 % des analphabètes recensés dans le monde vivent dans des pays en développement; la majorité sont des femmes. Vidéo montrant des exemples de projets d'alphabétisation menés dans des pays en développement d'Afrique, d'Asie et d'Amérique latine, les problèmes rencontrés et l'enthousiasme des filles et des femmes qui y participent.

(literacy programmes; womens education; developing countries)

[Code: 0088] Country:  Botswana/Angola/Pakistan,Philippines/
Producer: Rampen, Léo, Radio Quebec
1990, French, 16', VHS/PAL

International Literacy Year: Commonwealth of Dominica

The adult education programme in literacy. The ceremony and the celebration of International Literacy Year in Dominica.

(adult literacy; literacy programmes)

[Code: 0094] Country:  Dominica
Producer: Adult Education and Audio Visual Services
1990, English, 15', VHS/NTSC

Studying Literacy in Morocco

A joint American-Moroccan study looks at pre-school and primary school learning in two contrasting areas of Morocco: Marrakech, where children and their families speak a dialect of Arabic, and El Kassour, a rural village in the Atlas mountains, where the community speaks Berber. The lliteracy needs and relative achievements of boys and girls in both areas are examined, and the importance of pre-school learning emphasized. Koranic pre-schools, where most lessons consist of rote learning of the Koran, were found to be a valuable educational building block for achieving Arabic literacy.

(preschool education; primary education; literacy programmes)

[Code: 0108] Country:  Morocco
Producer:  University of Pennsylvania
1990, English, 22', VHS/PAL/NTSC

Flight for Freedom

Over 5 million adults in Canada are unable to read and write. Interviews with some of these people show the shame and fear that they feel and how they try to hide their illiteracy. The same people talk of the joy, pride and freedom that they feel as the world of reading and writing opens up to them.

(literacy programmes; adult education)

[Code: 0132] Country:  Canada
Producer:  Forevergreeen Productions
1990, English, 47', VHS/NTSC

Letters in the Sun: A Study of Literacy in Rural Development

Questions relating to literacy programmes in rural development are examined using Bangladesh as a case study. This video is divided into 5 parts: 1. The village literacy class; 2. The village and literacy; 3. Adult education agencies; 4. Developing agencies; 5. View from the top.

(adult literacy; literacy programmes; rural areas)

[Code: 0058] Country:  Bangladesh
Producer:  Education for Development
1991, English, 53', VHS/PAL

Willing to Learn

This drama grew out of the real life experience of many Vincentian women. This is the story of Dacia, an illiterate woman, who didn't know how to provide for her children before her enrolment in an adult literacy programme in Saint Vincent.

(literacy programmes; adult literacy; women education)

[Code: 0054] Country:  St Vincent and the Grenadines
Producer:  UNICEF; CIDA (Canada)
1992, English, 27', VHS/PAL

Memorias de la campaña "Pónle tu nombre"

La campaña nacional de alfabetización "Monssignor Leonidas Proaño" ha sido uno de los eventos más significativos en materia social y educativa realizados en el Ecuador durante estos últimos años. Aproximadamente 75.000 jóvenes alfabetizadores y 350.000 personas se inscribieron en los Círculos de Alfabetización Popular (CAP). Los Derechos Humanos fueron adoptados como tema de esta campaña. Tanto el material de alfabetización como el plan de formación de los alfabetizadores tomaron como base los derechos humanos. Los alfabetizadores eran en su mayoría alumnos de ambos sexos de la educación secundaria, y su participación en la campaña constituía una condición indispensable para su graduación. La campaña fue concebida como una primera etapa de un amplio movimiento de reforma de la educación.

Literacy Campaign memories "Put your name on it"

The "Monsignor Leonidas Proaño" National Literacy Campaign has been one of the most significant educational and social events to occur in Ecuador in the last few years. Nearly 75,000 young literacy teachers and 350,000 people registered in the "Círculos de Alfabetización Popular (CAP)" (People's Literacy Circles) The campaign adopted Human Rights as its theme and both the literacy materials and training plan for the literacy teachers were structured around the subject. Literacy teachers were mostly secondary school students for whom participation in the campaign was established as a prerequisite for graduation. The campaign was planned as a first step in a wide movement towards education reform.

(literacy campaigns; secondary school students; adult literacy; human rights ; civic education)

[Code: 0125] Country:  Ecuador
Producer:  UNICEF; Ministry of Education;
1992, Spanish, English, 20',VHS/NTSC

Mina Smiles

Through Mina, a woman living in a rural village in Asia, the important role of literacy in daily life is stressed. The sort of situations illiterate people face and their difficulties are depicted here in an attempt to encourage them to learn how to read and write. An animated cartoon story, produced by specialists of literacy and animation in 17 Asian/Pacific countries, this film's basic purpose is to promote literacy, and particularly for women, in the Asian region where it is estimated that around 700 million people and illiterate.

(literacy; rural education; women education; rural women; cartoons)

[Code: 0045] Country:  Japan
Producer:  ACCU
1993, English, 16', VHS/SECAM

There Was a time...

This concise presentation of an educational system in global crisis was conceived by UNICEF's education cluster but introduces the work of international cartoon artists. The video covers areas such as education delivery and acquisition, educational planning in rigid governmental structures and the problems of misinformed decision-makers.

(literacy programmes; literacy campaigns; educational systems; cartoons)

[Code: 0078] Country:  Interregional
Producer:  UNICEF
1994, English, 7'45", VHS/PAL

The Power of Family Literacy

Using examples from the "Toyota Families for Learning Program", the National Centre for Family Literacy's national demonstration project, this video views family literacy through the people who live it - the parents and children themselves - and the administrators, teachers, business executives, and national leaders who provide the vision, resources and commitment to make it happen.

(adult literacy, family role; early childhood education)

[Code: 0240] Country:  United States
Producer:  National Center for Family Literacy
1994, English, 12', VHS/NTSC

Lire et écrire en prison

Témoignages de personnes détenues à la maison d'arrêt des Baumettes (à Marseille, France). Commentaires de Daniel Sibony, psychanalyste. 40 % des détenus entrés dans les prisons françaises en 1995 présentent des difficultés de lecture et d'écriture. La moitié d'entre eux est en situation d'illettrisme grave, n'ayant aucun accès à l'écrit ou seulement une lecture de mots courants et simples. (Film produit avec le concours du Groupe Permanente de Lutte contre l'Illettrisme).

(literacy; behaviour change; women)

[Code: 0243] Country:  France
Producer:  13 Production/Lieux Fictis
1995, French, 20', VHS/SECAM


A film produced by Dra. Ruth Cardoso about the UNESCO experience in "Alfabetizaĉao Solidària" in Brazil where efforts are undertaken to promote education for all and eradicate illiteracy in youth and adults.

(literacy; community education; education for all)

[Code: 0264] Country: Brazil
Producer:  UNESCO, Brazil
1997, Portuguese,15', VHS/PAL

"Sé Banw Yé"

Examples of how literacy has contributed to dynamic socio-economic development in rural areas of Burkina Faso and Mali which is leading to the development of "learning societies". In the areas concerned the population is involved in individual and collective income generation activities providing them with power of action and an efficient means of becoming responsible for the improvement of their own living conditions.
Comment l'alphabétisation a contribué à un développement socio-économique dynamique dans des zones rurales du Burkina Faso et du Mali qui a conduit au développement des "sociétés d'apprentissage". Dans les zones concernées la population participe à des activités individuelles et collectives génératrices de revenus, lui donnant ainsi le pouvoir d'agir et un moyen efficace de devenir responsable de l'amélioration de ses conditions de vie.

(literacy; adult education; community education; rural areas; lifelong education; children)

[Code: 0257] Country:  Mali/Burkina Faso
1997, English, French, 13', VHS/PAL/SECAM